Number of Partay Animals

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ice Cream Flavours

metrosexual (noun)

- An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle.
- A normally straight male who possesses qualities of a gay male without being attracted to men.

A metro often appreciates the finer things in life and enjoys making himself look good; be it through styling his hair or wearing fashionable clothes.

Mauve is not a's a word that means nothing 2 guys... tell them light purple or something. That would create a better visual for them, unless you're married to a metrosexual like David.


I got up one morning back in 2006 and decided to go for an autumnal palate so I paired my chocolate brown shirt with a beige vest and brown textured skirt, with chocolate tights and .......these really cute shoes.....

I was standing in the elevator and looked down at my cute shoes and wondered out loud to David if there were too many different browns on shoes were camel...

Me: Are they camel? Or are they more caramel?
Da Bi: They look caramel..
Me: Are they? I think they're more camel
Da Bi: You're right, they are more camel...caramel is lighter...actually they're more like butterscotch..
Me: oh my god, you're so right, they are butterscotch! Oh dear, this is scary, you just described a colour as butterscotch! Is there something I should know about? Men don't describe colours as butterscotch...what are you, gay or something? :) This would be an interesting topic to blog about...
Da Bi: This would be interesting!


David and I can discuss clothes, fashion and beautiful people and he would totally understand what I'm talking about..looks like years of fashion school has indeed done some good! Need a button sewed back on? Look no further.

I have a problem if a man spends more time grooming himself more than his woman. I mean that only means hogging the bathroom, the mirror and wardrobe space. Which woman wants that, right? However, anyone can appreciate a man who takes care of himself. Nothing beats a clean shaven, masculine smelling, well dressed dude with no mud on his shoes. Who wants a man who is unkempt, scruffy or messy looking, unless he's Slash, then you'll have countless women who wanna have babies with him anyways. Fucking gross...ok fine, he's a musical genius but seriously, does anyone want that sweaty, dirty mop hanging over their naked breasts??! *shudder*

I think I will try some butterscotch ice cream later tonight. Is it chewy like toffee? Coz I hate toffee.

In search of good ice cream, I don't even particularly enjoy ice cream.
Lady Partay.


Anonymous said...

Lol, Da-vid is a jewel of a man and he likes food too.

About Pret-A-Partay said...

2 reasons why I married the man.