Number of Partay Animals

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When the shit hits the fan on FB

Here's another reason how Facebook can make you lose all credibility, all your friends and your public life.

So it's recently come to my attention, like really come to my attention, that people will do anything, ANYTHING, to be thought of as successful, smart, rich, charming and of course deserving of a trophy wife. That includes posting your life on FB, even if there's not an ounce of fucking truth to it.

A secondary school 'chum' whom I haven't seen since I left school at 17, recently got reacquainted via Facebook. I remembered him as a geeky, pimply follower who trailed behind the big jangly boys in the school yard. He wasn't particularly smart or outspoken or even noticeable. Then more than a decade later, he had gone to Vancouver to further his education and returned to Singapore, nouveau riche. All of a sudden, pics of his super hot, to die for girlfriend started popping up everywhere. They go on trips, they both drive Beemers, Maseratis or Austin Martins 'just for running errands,' they declare their undying love to one another, they hold high profile jobs, buy luxury prime real estate. He announced his surprise engagement to her while in Paris with a 2 carat ring and on his most recent trip to Seattle, met with Bill Gates! Like wow!! What a beautiful life, right? Well yah, who wouldn't wanna be in his golden fucking shoes?

Then the shit hits the fan. His alleged girlfriend whom he has named "Sara Chong" is made up!! A FB account with a detailed profile and numerous albums - ALL FUCKING MADE UP. She is apparently a FHM model based in Malaysia by the name of Sarah Lian! He pulls pics off her blog and website and posts them as his girlfriend!

All this time, we're thinking, what da fuck is a girl like her doing with a guy like him? Now we know, don't we? Wonder if SHE knows that she's engaged to some loser in there any legal action she can take against someone who completely restructured her life and personality for her?

The pics of the trips, the cars, the real estate, not one of them actually had this loser in them. They were so well taken, they may as well have been ripped out of Tattler magazine, a lifestyle mag for the rich and elite. We thought he had taken up photography as a hobby and was shooting for the hell of it..

The high profile job? When you google anyone, as long as you've had a job, owns an e-mail account or have FB, there's a trace somewhere. Shit, even my super crappy job at an old company is listed for all to see online! So it surprises me when I google this psychopath with split personalities, it yields nothing. Kaput, zilch. It's like his life doesn't even exist, except for the pseudo one he created for himself on FB which is linked to the pseudo hot fiancee, Sara Chong.

What pushes a person to go to such extremes? For him to manage 2, possibly 3 different personalities so as to show the rest of the world what he 'possess'. Did it come naturally to him because he is sick? Was he so insecure and unfulfilled that he needed all these superficial things to prove his very existence to the public eye? Well, guess what, buddy? You've just lost ALL credibility, ALL your friends and the very public life you aimed to build in the first place. Congratulations.

Out digging for more dirt,
Lady P

Picture courtesy of Sarah Lian's blog.

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