Number of Partay Animals

Monday, September 7, 2009

Anyone for a threesome?

Ménage à trois

- The French phrase ménage (household), à (of), trois (three) literally translates as "household of three." Simply put, a ménage à trois is a romantic relationship in which three people live together and have sexual relations.

- More commonly, the term is used to describe any sex act involving three people, otherwise known as a threesome.


I must have gotten your attention there, GOOD.

I just found out that a girl friend in Toronto is into alternative lifestyles. I've known her for a few years through work but never thought she was into crazy shit. Now, I'm not one to judge anyone's sexual practises since these are personal ones and don't concern anyone other than the persons involved. I don't care if you straight, gay or bisexual, into butt hole pleasures, dominatrix role play, exhibitionism, S&M, orgies or cross-dressing. Shit, if people like it up their noses, that's their preference too, who am I to judge?

I was exchanging some blog information with this girl friend of mine when she revealed that she writes erotica to and for the men she dates. I mean, how hot is that?? There is truly nothing like the written word to arouse all the senses, that is if she dates erudite men, whom she has no problems getting. Not only does being creative set the stage for some of the wildest fantasies out there, it also gives a glimpse of her sensuality. For someone who writes, I can honestly say I appreciate reading good writing so I get her to send me a sample.

It started out with an amateur piece she had written for an ex a long time ago, then she sent me another, and another, and another. God, she is good. I told her she needs to get published. She is THAT good.

She takes life by the horns and makes no excuses for it. She dates men she is sexually compatible with and does not wish to discuss 'love' unless it comes up later. She is healthy, smart, beautiful, independent and sexy and, if you're thinking, 'why is she such a slut then?' well, she is not. Her relationships are intense, sexual, romantic and faithful. What is wrong with a woman who embraces her sexuality and thinks nothing wrong with satisfying her innate desires? In my opinion, nothing. If you think the age-old mentality of 'it's always the woman who loses' still applies, you're in for a rude shock.

Women have come a long way since god knows when. We have become more educated, more independent, make more money, make more smart decisions as compared to the mere housewives of yesteryears. Don't get me wrong, being a homemaker and a housewife is an admirable job. It is more than a job, it is a lifestyle. It doesn't start at 8 and end at 5, it is a 30 hour a day job. Try putting a man in a role like that, he won't last 2 hours.

Women have progressed and have so many more choices now. In a nutshell, we've taken control of our lives and are no longer at the mercy of our men. We expect more and shouldn't be made to feel bad about it. If a man can seek a woman for the sole purpose of sexual gratification, why can't a woman? Doesn't a woman have sexual tendencies that need satisfying as well?

My girl friend lives her life with gusto, in a real world. The chemistry she has with her men are deep and fierce, living only for the moment. She has been with the same guy for the last couple of months, discovering each other outside the bedroom and exploring each other's sexuality within when talk of fantasies came up. As expected, top of the list for most men is having a threesome with another girl. My girl friend has obliged and they have just posted an ad on craigslist, looking for a girl whose description sounds just like her! I asked her what if he fell for the other girl since the physical attributes are so similar, she said she is THAT confident something like that will not happen. Like WOW, talk about sexual confidence. That is what I call taking charge of your life and making no excuses for it.

Some of you may argue that this only happens in 'western' countries but I assure you that these things are very real, even in the Asian realm. Things that don't get talked about does not mean they don't happen.

Have you heard of any unusual sexual practices out there?

Lady Partay.


Anonymous said...

Unusual sexual practices, hmmm, ever heard of shrimping?

About Pret-A-Partay said...

are we talking toes or straws??? either one, I wanna throw up.

Anonymous said...

It's toes, ewww

Anonymous said...

Yes! Heard of "2 girls and 1 cup" or "2 girls and 1 finger"? Unusual would be an understatement.

About Pret-A-Partay said...

I think the straw is worse...waaaay worse....

About Pret-A-Partay said...

The 2 girls and cup story is old news but I've never heard of the 2 girls and 1 tell!!

Anonymous said...

Watching it is better than telling it a million times! Go google! Hahas!

Hint: Get your medicated oil and a pail ready! :)