Number of Partay Animals

Friday, September 18, 2009

Product Review - Nixoderm Pimple Cream

At my age, instead of trying to battle wrinkles and non elastic skin, I have to contend with annoying pimples. It's been a life long battle of sorts, it is the curse of oily skin. I've tried them all, birth control pills, antibiotics, PH balanced washes, fruit acid washes, peels, spot on treatment, creams, lotions, potions, gels, you name it. None of them gave me the result I wanted.

A few years ago, Li-Lian, a Malaysian family friend of mine in Canada mentioned Nixoderm, a pimple remedy she picks up from home every time she visits. I paid her no heed coz her face is spotless. I thought, why would she even need a pimple cream, she has none!

Look at Lil, no pimples!

Since coming back to Singapore, Jo picked up a small little pot of it for me and now I swear by it. Nixoderm is made in Malaysia and has been on the market since god knows when. It comes in an inconspicuous square green box and inside it nestles a no-nonsense round tin pot of the same Kermit, the frog green.

The unsophisticated screw cap reveals a strong sulphuric smelling white paste and once you get over the smell and dot it on your spot, you feel a minty sensation which refreshes you. I find that this spot on treatment dries up pimples effectively and quickly, while reducing redness and swelling overnight.

Nixoderm is dirt cheap, only about $2 for the small tin and less than $5 for the big tin and since a little goes a long way, I've only been getting the small one. It is available at Watsons and other pharmacies but is usually hidden somewhere unglamourous, sometimes with the Zambak and other times, in some dark dingy corner so be sure to ask for it.

VERDICT: Best value for money and effective pimple* treatment I've ever tried.

* Apparently also treats other symptoms such as blackheads, itching, rashes, ringworm of the skin and scalp.

Blemish free and happy!

Lady Partay.


Anonymous said...

I used Nixoderm when I was still young in primary school! It's so hot on the face.. but I realised that it doesnt work anymore, on me at least.

Anyway, try using toothpaste or calamine lotion...? They are good at drying up pimples too. BUT results not guaranteed. Try at your own risk! :)

About Pret-A-Partay said...

I like the minty feeling on the face.

I find that toothpaste doesn't work on me. I hear that only the old school white paste works, not the gel type.

I use tea tree oil too and it's quite effective in calming redness.