Number of Partay Animals

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When what you do on FB fucks you up

Don't we all love Facebook? Through it, we are all connected to one another in some way, 6 degrees of separation has taken a whole new meaning, try 2 degrees instead. We're now in touch with our dear friends, not so dear friends, baby sitters from junior kindergarden, haters from grade school, lovers from high school, pyschos who stalk us in college and still do, family we would rather not see, 2 second acquaintances you'll never see again, professors, fans, colleagues, bosses, you get the idea.

I've always had a rule about FB - it is personal, so I keep it personal. I never add my colleagues coz I like to keep work, work and personal, personal. Do I really want my colleagues and boss to see pictures of how I was stupid drunk at some bar over the weekend, which isn't unfathomable since I'm such a cheap drunk? No. Do I want them sniggering and talking about why I called in sick the day after Ladies Night coz they saw a comment about me excited about free drinks? No. Do I want them to think I am a cheap whore, after getting tagged 20 million times by my partay friends, for shoving my tongue down yet another dude's throat?? No. I mean I may very well be one, although I'm not coz I'm too scared of catching herpes or the 'kissing disease' or whatever the heck is out there, oh, and also the fact that I'm married, but do I really need all that senseless speculation in the office? Let me think this real hard....hmmm....NO. Do I need a lifeline for that? No thanks and the answer is still no.

Recently, my girlfriend, Candice from Toronto forwarded a screenshot of some anonymous person's FB status.

Here's Candice, looking so beautifully bronzed against that sunset! Super jealous!!

Check out that screenshot below. It is freakin' hilarious.

Obviously, this dumb ass deserves it. Seriously, she probably has 800 friends or something to have forgotten that she added her own boss! She must be so kicking herself right now. I heart her boss who fired her over Facebook! Muahahahaha.....

Peace out.
Lady P.

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